મેમણ પોઈન્ટ
Chicago, Illinois. USA Hosted By: Ghaffar Variend
Visit to All Pakistan Memon Federation (APMF) Headquarter and its Sports Complex: On February 17th, 2014 Abdul Ghaffar Variend and Qasim Abbas were invited to visit All Pakistan Memon Federation Headquarter and its three story Sports Complex in Muslimabad. Abdul Ghaffar Variend and Qasim Abbas were given tours of all the sections of the Headquarter and also of the entire three story Sports Complex, which is located opposite APMF Headquarter. APMF President, Mr. Aziz Memon, Mr. Shoaib Ghaziani and various office bearers were present. We were introduced to the office bearers. Flower bouquets and a traditional Ajrak were presented to both of us.
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